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Nicola Ray: Missing, believed Murdered (2000)
On the 2nd of May 2000, Nicola Ray (30) was last seen as she parted ways with her friend after having some drinks in a pub in Basildon,...

Patricia Parsons: Unsolved Murder (1990)
On the 24th of June 1990, the body of Patricia Parsons (42) was found in her white Cabriolet car near the Good Intent Pub, in Upshire,...

Beverley Brinkley: Unsolved Murder (2003)
On the 2nd of February, 2003, Beverley Brinkley (35) was attacked on a stairwell outside a flat in The Stow in Harlow, Essex. At the...

Stuart Lubbock: Unsolved Murder (2001)
On the 31st March, 2001, Stuart Lubbock (31) died in the hospital after been found inconscious in a swimming pool at the house of Actor,...

Angela Millington: Unsolved Murder (2014)
Angela Millington (33), from Southend, was last seen in February 2014 by Street Pastors. Angela was homeless at the time and it's not...
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