Ashley Dighton (19), was last seen by a secutity guard at Sainsbury's Bryrook on June 11th 2007. When he failed to return home, he was reported missing and a huge search was carried out.
Tragically his body was found decapitated one month later, with his T-shirt and one of his ribs dumped in a plastic bag nearby in the undergrowth. His head and his fingertips have never been found.
During an inquest in 2008 it was revealed that Ashley Dighton's body was so badly decomposed that the pathologist could not determine a cause of death.
Four men were arrested at the time but they were released without charge.
It was also later revealed that CCTV images showed Mr Dighton at the supermarket with a group of friends on the day he went missing.
Anyone with information is advised to contact Kent Police on 01303 289600.