At 7am on Saturday the 12th of November, 2016, Mick Currer (59) was found deceased in his home in Saffron Square, Norwich. He was found dead by his girlfriend Lorraine Firth, and her previous partner Mr Wagge. A post-mortem examination found Mick died as a result of severe chest and facial injuries sustained from an assault consistent with punching and kicking. It was also revealed that he had 15 cracked ribs and a shoe mark imprinted on his face. There was no sign of forced entry which meant that "whoever went in had either gone in with Michael's consent or had let themselves in."
It was soon revealed that Mick had phoned the police to ask for their help on the 9th November, but was rather cagy during the call and made it clear that he didn't actually want them to come to his residence. When officers went there anyway, a male voice they assumed to be his told them through the letterbox that they weren't needed, so they left.
Detective Chief Inspector Andy Guy said: 'We believe that he was fit and well on the night of Tuesday, November 8 and we believe that he was fit and well on the morning of Wednesday November 9. I've listened to the call. He's quite evasive because he doesn't want the police to attend and doesn't want to give details.' Det Chf Insp Guy also said that no-one else could be heard in the background and he 'was not being assaulted at that time'.
The Investigation
By July 2018, a total of three people, two men and one woman, had been arrested in connection with the murder, and all were released on bail. The woman was Mick's girlfriend Lorrain Firth.
Lorraine Firth told police in February 2017 she had killed him, but officers found no further evidence and no charges were brought. The inquest was told Mr Currer and Miss Firth had fallen out in the days before his death, resulting in her moving out of the flat to stay with a former partner, Leslie Wagge.
She was visiting the flat on 9 November when police responded to a call for help from Mr Currer, though when officers arrived they were told help was no longer needed. Three days later she said she returned with Mr Wagge and raised the alarm when she found Mr Currer dead.
Giving evidence at the inquest, Lorraine denied killing Mick, saying she had confessed because she had fallen into depression after his death.
The case remains unsolved.