On Friday the 23rd of February 2018, Tony Haigh (50) disappeared from the area around his residence in Anglesey. Earlier that day Tony had travelled to Morrisons to buy food in preparation for his son's regular weekend visit. He's dropped home by his mother at around 12:15.
Later, Tony is captured on CCTV pushing his bike along and seemingly arguing with a man he bumps into. Tony then goes to the dentist where he has his teeth whitened and books a second appointment for September. Tony will later be seen going to the same local Morawelon Estate area three times that evening/night. Tony is spotted walking with his bike on Lower Baptist Street at 21:40. The last known sighting of Tony on CCTV at Tan Alltran Close, Richmond Hill, not far from his flat.
However, he is not seen on CCTV cameras showing him walking his normal route to his house - including the short cut he would often take through an alley. However, CCTV does capture two men near his property, around the same time that neighbours reported hearing people standing outside shouting Tony's name.
Tony was reported missing by family after they realised he hadn't been seeing text messages and they had searched his flat. The only thing missing was Tony's tablet which could only be used with WiFi. The charger was also missing and his bedroom drawers had been rummaged through.
Tony's family have spoken about how 'let down' they feel by the initial police response to his disappearance. They believe Tony may have been a victim of murder, but the force said it found "no evidence" to support that theory and that the most likely hypothesis is that Tony "committed suicide by jumping off the breakwater into the Irish Sea".
The main problem with the suicide theory is that Tony had made plans for the future, and he did not cancel the visit with his son -whom he was very close to. Another question is why Tony would take his tablet with him, especially as it couldn't send/receive messages without WiFi.
The biggest problem with the theory that Tony left voluntarily is that he didn't have a lot of means to do so. He traveled by bike / on foot and he worked as a window cleaner which didn't bring in a fortune. All of Tony's personal items were left in his flat, including his phone charger, which you'd take with you if you were taking your phone. His bike was also in the flat - suggesting that Tony did make it home (or someone else placed it there.)
The family believes the answers to this case lie in the Estate Tony visited three times that day. Police said that the man Tony argued with was an acquaintance of his and that he withdrew money after seeing him. The police have implied that Tony may have been buying drugs, however, there's no evidence (at least publicly) that he was using.
I tend to agree with the family in that I think Tony became the victim of foul play. Whether Tony was murdered or whether he died in the company of nefarious people, I believe his body was hidden/disposed of. Could Tony have upset some bad characters living in the estate? Had he done a job for them? Did he know something he shouldn't have? Or was it a drug purchase gone wrong? Or could it have been an isolated incident driven by the argument between the mystery man and Tony?
What can you do?
Were you sold/given a tablet around that time? Were you sold/ given a bike around that time? If you know anything please contact North Wales Police or Crimestoppers. Tony's family deserves answers.